All about Us
A simple explanation of the Montessori Method of education
Maria Montessori was born in Italy in 1870. She became the first woman doctor in her country’s history. Her early work was with retarded and poor children. By close observation and experiment, the system which she devised enabled these deprived children to attain levels of learning normally associated with average children. Her great triumph came when her “retarded” pupils took state examinations along with “normal” children – and passed! The educational establishment of the day was forced to recognise the breakthrough.
The Montessori Method Is different from other educational systems. It is based on a realistic balance between freedom and a structure specifically designed to help the young child.
There are three parts to the Montessori Method – the child, the environment and the directress. The Montessori Method is based on an understanding of the child as he is; and Dr Montessori then created an environment designed to help the child develop as a total person. Within this environment the roll of the teacher is to direct the child’s activity, so we prefer the term directress rather than teacher.
The Montessori Methods allows your child to learn in the way that he feels most natural – by doing things himself. Gradually, the child builds up a strong sense of independence, coupled with an ability to sustain concentration. His confidence grows as his range of skills increases. The Method is founded on the child’s natural curiosity and the love of learning, and it helps the child to follow his natural rate of development, encouraging him to attempt new projects as his ability increases.
The Montessori environment is the real “teacher” since by using a wide range of different Montessori materials in the company of the children, the child is helping to teach himself. The environment is attractive to the children in being generally simple, child-sized and capable of correction by themselves. In this way, there is no need for an adult to point out a mistake and perhaps injure the child’s self-esteem.
A directress has many tasks. Often she is hardly noticeable among the children at work. Her experience and training make her keenly aware of each child’s fundamental needs for development. She is available to every child as a sympathetic helper, guiding him in the proper use of the materials and equipment.
We hope that you will visit our pre-school prior to registration when we shall be most happy to show you around and answer any questions that you may have.

Opening Hours
Come Visit
Mon - Fri: 8am - 5:00pm Sat: Closed
Sun: Closed

What You Need To Know
Service 1
Pre School
The Aim of Bright Beginnings Montessori School
Our aim is for the children to have the opportunity to learn through the Montessori Method. To have new experiences and to develop individual skills at their own pace in a supportive environment where they are positively encouraged, valued and respected; and for the children to be happy in our care!
School Sessions
The school is divided into three terms. Autumn, Spring and Summer. The pre school is open 8am – 5pm, Monday through to Friday. Bright beginnings are open throughout the year, closing over the Christmas period. We offer term time and all year round places for children aged 0-4 years of age. Sessions are made up of 3 hours or more and you are welcome to choose times.
Early Years Entitlement
4 year olds and 3 years olds (following the term in which they turn 3) are entitled to EYFE for up to 15 hours per week for up to 38 weeks per year. The school claims the EYFE on your behalf. This means that your child/children will receive up to 15 hours of FREE education per week for 38 weeks of the year. Please choose your days, times and how many hours you would like on each day.
9 month olds + with working parents may be eligible to claim funding for 15 or 30 hours for up to 38 weeks. Please speak to a member of staff to find out how to check eligibility.